Government versus G-d


I am an American.

I am also a Jew.

Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, which holds our service to G-d as the number one commandment. As we watch the Middle East descend into chaos and slaughter, our country enters a bizarre universe where the miserable government media proclaim all problems are caused by the rampant racism in this country, the fat cats on Wall street, or the “hate filled” Republican party. This disgusting state of affairs is either ignored or desired by government leading a docile public to its demise because our government is in bed with all the usual suspects.

Every American remembers 9/11 and the cold blooded murders at Fort Hood. We also know that the Blind Sheikh planned the 1993 bombing in the Towers garage. Although many have forgotten the USS Cole, it is important that we remember who perpetrated ALL these unconscionable massacres. So my question is why are Muslim Brotherhood advocates working in government and contract positions? And why was Michelle Bachmann ridiculed when they asked a cogent question?

Yesterday we find out that a billion dollar contract was given to Serco. a company under investigation for serious fraud in Great Britain. Fat Cats on Wall street? How about ex- governor fat cat Jon Corzine who previously worked for Goldman Sachs? He just “misplaced” more than a billion dollars of other people’s money but he’s still walking free. Geitner, another Goldman, alumnus answered “I couldn’t understand Turbo tax” when he was interrogated as to why he didn’t pay the IRS more than $100,00 in taxes. He was given the top job at Treasury.

Since I have some experience working with the Broward County Republican Executive Committee I can honestly say most of the time they’re lucky to be able to brush their teeth without help. Without Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul the party would have been kicked senseless by the Democrat ass.

So what does this have to do with Judeo- Christian values? Everything. Jews arrived here about 1650. Our Founding Fathers were familiar with our Torah (Old Testament) and Hebrew. One of the main tenets is that we are all equal in G-d’s eyes and under the law, even though we are blessed with different talents and skills. We are in service to Him. That is an abbreviated version of Judeo Christian principles. Communism, socialism, and Islam abhor what we believe. All of their adherents do everything to destroy that belief because the “isms” believe government is their god. Islam believes everyone who doesn’t believe as they do are infidels. Therefore Muslim can rape and murder them without impunity. It is time we remember who we are and stand for what is righteous and good. That is what our country has always stood for.

Sitting Shiva for Latma

I have loved and shared Latma’s brilliant satire and musical parodies since I discovered it about four years ago. Many people will recognize this brilliant troupe by We Con the World, which became an immediate You Tube hit.

I read producer Caroline Glick’s essay which explained in the most general way the reasons why they will not be in regular production. It sounded like corrupt cronyism, but that is nothing new for the socialist post-Zionist world.

For those still blinded by their youthful idealism or perhaps allegiance to a Jewish organization no longer serving Israel’s interests, this should be a shrill warning of what Statists do through PC. Why hasn’t such brilliant satire, replete with Mel Brooks quality musical numbers, been a staple on an Israeli television network?

A statist government decries any art which doesn’t transmit a message it approves. I recall reading an anecdote about Menecham Begin meeting with a Rumanian artist who had made his way to Israel after being released from the Soviet Gulag. He told the prime minister that he had been fine while he was doing the State’s bidding, but as soon as he was true to his soul he was consigned to the frozen wasteland of Siberia. That’s why PC, which is a Statist staple of control, is fatal for comedy. Ask yourself could Blazing Saddles be made today?

Here in the USA we have been told what’s hip, what’s cool, and what’s funny for as long as there’s been print. I recall Sinatra singing Love and Marriage,and the airwaves vibrating to the Beatles All You Need is Love. The message was always about love. Women were romanticized. Although country songs still wail about passion gone wrong, the culture police have okayed the words bitch, hating whitey,and all kinds of pornographic words and violent actions because it’s part of the rap culture. Tell me on what planet thug violence and sluttish behavior is OK but an ingenious political satire show is too controversial? Welcome to the 21st century: a world of cultural upheaval. This Rosh Ha Shana may it be written in the Book of Life that Latma return wittier and more ingenious than ever. We need them. Israel needs them.

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My Father Is Best

Years ago, when I was a young girl and thought my life would always be the paradise that I was growing up in, there was show called “Father Knows Best.” My Dad didn’t quite fit the image of the WASPY Robert Young in his corporate suits. Instead, my father came home with colorful fingers because he was a printing ink chemist, and unapologetically wore clothes from the WWII era. After dinner he’d take off for the handball court and on the evenings he wasn’t out playing ball with the boys he would have all four of us kids playing running bases or he’d pitch so we could practice our batting and fielding.

My Dad is still here after celebrating 65 years of marriage and raising four kids. After coming home from scaling the mountains of Normandy, fighting the Nazi enemies, and liberating Dachau, he was thankful for the little bit of comfort and peace he found in his family. He was a handball champion and all around fine athlete, pioneer in the printing ink business, president of his synagogue and later his condo association. With all his accomplishments, he was( and still is) honest in all his business dealings and humble in demeanor.

He is the kind of person we expect to see in our government and too often don’t. Instead, we get liars, thieves,and opportunists in this Obamanation and their malevolent schemes perpetuated against the American people. The Judeo- Christian principles of the Ten Commandments or, in Hebrew, Eser Dibrot tell us to Honor Your Mother and Father. For me it’s been easy because my father has been an excellent role model. I wonder what happens to a country when the people find out their government is made up of traitorous con men; when role models like my Dad are gone?

Kermit Is Officially A Pig

Kermit baby The name Kermit always brings up touchy feely memories of Sesame Street,the loveable Muppets and their de facto leader Kermit the Frog, even though he had a strange romantic relationship with Miss Piggy. The name Kermit has now been hijacked by a monster.

The stories of the abortion “House of Horrors” is soul chilling. The fact that Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s workers were able to watch him sever the spines of babies who audaciously survived abortions is frightening. According to the grand jury report the workers often did the disgusting deed themselves when the doctor was too busy.

Some might say that abortion is legal so what’s the big deal?
The Nazis used that argument for every horror they committed. As I used to tell my adult students in ESOL class. There’s a differemce between legal and ethical. They aren’t synonyms. This isn’t only immoral. This is infanticide. This is the murder of black babies by a black doctor being paid by our government.

Leftist Jews state abortion is “okay” in Judaism. No, it isn’t. According to abortion is only allowed if the mother’s life is at stake. “In general, abortion is permitted only if there is direct threat to the mother” According to rabbis who are poksim, or learned rabbis able to interpret halachaic laws, once the baby is even partly out of the womb the life is equal to the mother’s.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell is the American Mengele, but the Propaganda Ministry formerly known as the media, wants to make sure this is a non-story like Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and President Obama’s top secret background. Stories like this demonstrate why our country no longer stands for freedom. Our Torah states,” When you have a choice between life and death choose life.” This is what happens when you don’t.