Talk Is Cheap

Michael Ramirex Obama adminYears ago when my daughter started dating I told her to watch what people actually do, not what they say. Talk is cheap, but behavior is how we judge character. My former husband would tell me he loved me every day, but when I told him he would lose his family if he didn’t put the vodka bottle down he couldn’t manage to do it. Taking responsibility for the welfare of my children, I decided financial and emotional obstacles were worth the cost. I have never regretted that decision.

Our president and his minions in the government have demonstrated their lack of character time and again. As citizens we live under the government’s ageis. That’s their job. Our job is to monitor them and keep them in line. We have learned our president and his officials are either incapable, as some pundits claim, or unwilling to do what’s right for their citizens. Now, besides all the government sleight of hand with the IRS, Benghazi,Seal Team 6, Fast and Furious, not to mention the president’s mysterious background, we are faced with ebola and the entero virus, which has already killed seven children.

Last week our commander-in-chief deployed 4,000 soldiers of the 101 airborne division to “fight”ebola. That was after firing almost 200 generals and other high ranking military personnel who didn’t agree with the Party line. Where are the protests, screams, and general civil disobedience of the parents of our volunteer soldiers? If my child were being sent to West Africa now, I would tell him or her to disobey orders. Jail and/or a dishonorable discharge is certainly better than being sent to the center of a fatal epidemic without proper training and safety precautions.

Where is the outcry? Where are our men? What is it going to take to get our country back? Our president has demonstrated his lack of character over and over again Eric Holder thinks that because he stepped down he is no longer responsible for the crimes he committed. Lois Lerner thinks she’s okay because she was ” following orders.” Hillary Clinton, responsible for Benghazi, Whitewater, and a love of the Muslim Brotherhood, has the chutzpah to run for office again.Our country has been stolen from us by a bunch of America hating thugs and it looks like the only thing we can do is cry.

Henry David Thoreau, who used to be mandatory reading for American students, stated “That government is best which governs least.” I wonder what he would say about a government that disdains its own people, but cherishes the idea of cheap labor at the cost of human lives. According to George Orwell,”Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” Obama has been a master of political speech and was elevated to the position of president based on that. He has damaged our credibility and standing all around the world.

Now is the time for civil disobedience. More than 1,000,000 people got on trains, buses and planes in 2009 to show our contempt for the government’s fiscal and social plans. Although it was truly grassroots, and drew more people than the ‘Million Man March,” it was ignored. The March for Life gets very little attention every year, but a dozen people show up for a pro abortion rally and the media makes it look like a rock concert. Germany was consdered the height of culture when the government slaughtered millions.FDR called Stalin “Uncle Joe” while he killed millions or sent them to the gulag. It can’t happen here because this is a country based on morals and character. Or can it?

Purple Penguins From Red Rubbish

its-differentJewish children are taught that the first job G-d gave Adam was to name all the animals. From that story we glean that words are important. And that they have meaning. We are taught that at the time of the moshiach (messiah) the lion will lie down with the lamb. If media started crowing nonstop that lambs and lions are cuddling togerher in a pen at the DC zoo, one would have to call them liars. Reality would refute that. Peace hasn’t found a home in this world and it would be sheer foolishness or even dangerous to believe their nonsense.So why do we accept the language the Red Rubbish( formerly known as Progressives) chooses to win their political battles?

In the book the The Rebbe by Joseph Telushkin, the biographer cites certain virtues and behaviors the Rebbe espoused as crucial. One of them was the importance of using words correctly and positively. According to the author, Rabbi Schneerson even suggested that Israeli hospitals change their name from bet cholim, House of the Sick to a more positive name; House of Healing (bet Refuachim) which described its purpose better and would give people more hope.

The people of the United States have been confronted with a lexicon promoted by the Left and its minions that redefine words so that they no longer have meaning. Now bastardizing a language isn’t enough, they want to rewire children for a political agenda that will, at best, confuse them and at worst harm them. The handout teachers got in Omaha promoted using “non-sexist” language like calling boys and girls purple penguins and allowing each student to choose the pronoun he or she prefers in addressing oneself. Got that?

I have worked with children as a teacher or counselor for more than 35 years. In that time I have met NO children confused about their identity. The handout comes from GenderSpectrum,which can be found
here Note the name. Gender does not exist on a spectrum, just like marriage isn’t between a couple of the same sex. That doesn’t mean they can’t live together or have a civil union. Historically, marriage is a bond between a man and a woman in order to procreate and raise a family.

According to the thesurus, diversity means variance or dissmilarity. Instead of respecting the differnces among us, whether it’s cultures or individuals; our government, Lefty NGOs and assorted political groups demand that we pretend we’re all the same, when just looking at the differnces in members of any family refutes that ridiculous notion.

The word apartheid comes from the Afrikanner language of South Africa. It was a rigorous system of separating the races. Israel is called an ” apartheid” nation when it is as inclusive as the USA or more so. There are Muslim Arabs, Christians, Druze, and all shades of complexions in the IDF, government, and in every neighborhood. Signs and paperwork are printed in Hebrew and Arabic. Zionism is not racism, but an answer to the almost universal anti- Semitism of Europe and the Islamic world.

We are told by our president, Barack Hussein Obama, that the Islamic State of the Levant or ISIL is not Islamic. Well, if it’s in the title of that dangerous and murderous organization then that’s what it is. And when we’re told to believe that beheading “infidels”, slaughtering Christians, and taking young Christian girls as sex slaves is not the real “religion of peace” maybe those female sex slaves were really purple penguins as defined by the Red Rubbish. “Khrushchev USA 1959

Truth in Humor


The rabbi calls men up for aliyahs,”Jack Goldstein, Yakov Fineman,and Norman Israel”. “He’s dead,” my father says in a loud stage whisper. A young woman in the row in front of us hears and starts laughing Pretty soon the whole row was giggling.My father’s comment was funny because there was more than a grain of truth in it. All you had to do was look around the geriatric center where services were being held.
Comedy is funny when it is based in truth. Sarah Silverman saying I love my vagina or Lena Dunham walking around naked is not funny. Personally it’s just pathetic. A riff on how the Obama White House came up with the made up name Khorason could end with some one saying, ” It sounds, a little Spanish. With that name we’ll be able to get the Hispanic voters.” What happened to comedy in this country? Political correctness.

When I was growing up comedy was king. Ed Sullivan always had on a comedian like Rodney Dangerfield, Henny Youngman, or Jackie Mason. Johnny Carson gave Joan Rivers her big break as well as George Carlin. Mr Carlin had a classic riff on “the 7 words not allowed to say on television”. Now we have almost seven topics that are not allowed to be touched. Race, homosexuality (of any gender),Muslims,women,global warming, Obama and his minions. Once political correctness takes hold humour disappears. Even in private converstions people watch what they say, afraid that something could be misconstrued and they could be labeled “haters.” or the kiss of death, “racists.” Political correctness is an anathema to freedom.

Our Muslim “friends” are always kvetching about being insulted. We are to believe that after raping and murdering thousands of Christians it is a “religion of peace.” It appears that one of the most verboten truths is saying that a Muslim convert cutting off someone’s head is an act of terrorism. It’s just more “workplace violence” and whole families of illegals are “children” that were welcomed by our government. When new definitions are given to words like marriage,which happens to have a long and successful history, we are supposed to accept the new social engineering and not even make fun of it. Laughing is good for our souls. In a statist government we’re not supposed to have one.

Truth isn’t necessarily pretty, but humor is a healthy way to look at it. Even in the terrible times of Nazi Germany Jews made jokes. In order to make someone laugh, a grain of truth has to be mined. ( not mimed) I’ve always said I’d rather laugh than cry. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of crying. I say the hell with political correctness. I’d rather laugh.

George Carlin