The CCP Anti- Passover Virus

Passover is a holiday that commemorates the Hebrew slaves being led kicking and screaming to freedom. The Four Questions, which is sung at the seder by the youngest member of the family asks, “Why is this night different from every other night?”Since our politicians have demonstrated  authoritarian dictates and moronic pronouncements, Americans  must ask, “Why is this Covid19 virus different than any other virus?” Perhaps the answer is that just like the 100,000 Hebrew that chose to stay in slavery, we have a population that has chosen slavery instead of freedom.

So, in parody I ask, Why is the virus different than any other virus? For any other virus we are personally responsible for our own health and that of our families. For this virus we become virtual slaves and literally human sheep.  ” Experts” are suddenly virology stars that all 320,000,000 people  of the USA must obey, even though the science of this stubborn virus is not proven. Suddenly every person is walking around wearing a mask like a character in a bad 50’s science fiction movie.We actually have  people who believe they are saving lives by squealing on their neighbors for walking the dog without a mask.

Again I ask, Why is this virus different than any other? With any other virus we stay at home until we feel better. With this virus it is stupefying to suddenly see people walking around with designer masks that match their phone protectors. Factories have been cranked up to supply them in every color and texture. Suddenly every commercial, that’s not selling a drug, is selling protective masks. Three ply, four ply, five ply, six You better wear one or I’m coming for you, bitch.

With any other virus it takes years to develop a virus.  Suddenly all our “experts” that haven’t managed to come up with a vaccination for AIDS in more than 30 years will have it ready for clinical trials in months. It appears the head “expert” Dr. Fauci was in charge of fighting that epidemic too. Maybe the answer is that they’ve been working on this vaccination a la Bill Gates, the zero population growth vaccination advocate billionaire. Or maybe they will use a gullible population that make sure they get an annual flu shot when no one knows what strain will hit that year. We’re told it’s a vaccination,but If it’s really a vaccination then it protects getting that virus forever. Think polio, measles, small pox etc.

I work in the public school system.  We teach our children to have a sheep mentality from preschool through high school.  When one is taught to be a sheep, slavery is one step away. Freedom is hard and entails risk. That’s why we follow the dictates instead of  shredding the masks, throwing them in the garbage, and getting back to work. That’s why I call the Communist Chinese Pandemic the anti- Passover virus. We are on the road from freedom to slavery and the rest of the world is  watching and laughing.