Just Another Injustice

Many of us are disgusted and appalled watching the corruption and politicization of our judicial system play out right in front of our eyes. Now we have proof that our DOJ (www.judicialwatch) got involved and dragged a non case into the system, one month after the Sanford police captain decided not to charge based on the evidence. It’s not the first time, but hopefully the “white-Hispanic” George Zimmerman will be the last political prisoner taken in the name of “justice.” My own experiences in the system warn me not to be optimistic.

A little of my history: Before I started working for the Department of Children and Families in Florida, I volunteered to be a guardian ad litem, which is basically a guardian for a child in the foster system. I had moved from Atlanta where I had served on the Human Relations Commission, been a teacher in the public schools, and a counselor in one of the county jails. My idea was to see what was going on in the state where I had moved. As that great philosopher Charlie Sheen said “Boom.”

I knew from my previous experiences with the state that most bureaucrats don’t read files, so when I received my first client I was not surprised, but still shocked, to see that a baby with cerebral palsy was taken away from his parents. The files stated the British mother was “too calm” when she called 911 and then was accused of trying to “abscond with her son” when she tried to loosen his IV in the hospital. After a year of the parents jumping through bureaucratic hoops and spending oodles of money on county programs designed to make money for the lawyers and other county or state employees I was able able to help get their child back because the judge mistakenly thought my credentials read MD and not MA.

The family court in Miami proved to be another forum of injustice based on the premise that government is always right. Children were taken from parents based on the DCF inspector’s judgement. Many of these first line employees had degrees in fields like accounting and had no experience with children. Judges always ordered the children to see psychiatrists and after a fifteen minute appointment with a Medicaid psychiatrist, and the foster parent kvetching about bad behavior, the children were put on meds. If their mood didn’t improve or worsened they got more. The judge took whatever the doctor said as TRUTH, and that was the end of the story.

As Americans we have mistakenly believed that we lived in a free country. Ask people who have been caught in the Statist nightmare. It’s not.
“You shall not pervert judgment; you shall not respect persons, nor take a bribe; for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise, and perverts the words of the righteous.” (Deuternomy) Justice is a value honored in the Judeo- Christian tradition. Power is the only value honored by a Statist.

Immigration Bill Is Bull

Talking heads and ex- Tea Party darling Marco tell us how important it is to pass a suicidal immigration bill. We have heard ad nauseum that there won’t be a Republican party unless it embraces the Hispanics who are now the largest voting block. Of course all the voter fraud and shenanigans perpetrated on the American people by the Progressives have conveniently been ignored. In my opinion, this deceptive policy (taquiya) is a strategy to undermine this country and to completely transform this country to rival the sharia credentials of England and France.

Connecting the dots, we start with all the Muslim Brotherhood associates that are now working in our government. Huma Abedin, Dahlia Mogahed, Arif Alikhan, Rashad Hussain, Mohamed Magid, Eboo Patel, Mohammed Elibiary, Salam al-Marayati are just a few. Suffice to say they are in positions of influence that include working in high level positions at the State Department and Homeland Security (so they can keep us safe.) Unless one has a brain that has turned to mush from too much American education and reading the NY Times, alarm bells should automatically go off. Then we see that our Dear Leader not only destabilized Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Turkey, and Syria, but provides arms and weapons to savages that have eaten body parts and has the chutzpa to tell us we’re on the side of the good guys..

I believe the 1000+ page bill is far more nefarious than we’re being told. I think our government is preparing to fill the myriad of mosques that have been built in many small towns and semi rural areas all over this country. According to CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood propaganda front, over 900 have been built since 2000.Why? According to a recent study made by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies there was a gain of 1,000,000 Muslims between 2000 and 2010 to a reported population of just over 2,000,000. This is a minute percentage of our approximately 320,000,000 general population

I have experienced this paradoxical situation myself after seeing a huge mosque: that can hold thousands be built in a black neighborhood (with no known Muslims.) Add that to the mosques expanding or being built in small towns like Lilburn, Ga and in Tennessee, deep in the heart of the Bible belt. Here’s my theory: the immigration will be from Muslim “refugees” imported to fulfill the Muslim Brotherhood’s dream of a Caliphate and the end of America. Weatherman terrorist, Bill Ayers, married to murderer, Bernadine Dohrn, stated yesterday that Obama is a war criminal. Of course he’s correct but we don’t know Ayers motivation. (Perhaps the blood in our streets isn’t gushing fast enough.) But I know this. Historically, when the Leftists team up with Islamists, heads are eventually cut off and displayed on stakes. The heads aren’t Islamists.

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Land of the Free?

Anne Smedinghoff

Anne Smedinghoff

This Memorial Day as we remember our Fallen we have to ask ourselves whether their lives were given for naught. The cornucopia of corruption and lies has been overwhelming, even for news junkies. The blogs and even some MSM villains like Chris Matthews and night time comedy staples Leno and Stewart are now paying attention. First the Benghazi Massacre, then the IRS political targeting, and to top it off the AP discovering its lines were being wire tapped. Due to this morass of dishonesty a few other scandals are being ignored.

Our distinguished Secretary of State, who made his mark in the 1970’s Vietnam Peace Movement, by lying about his military “brothers” and the war crimes he witnessed had to apologize for announcing at the Istanbul Embassy that 25 year old Anne Smedinghoff was killed while she was in an armed convoy. She wasn’t. She was murdered walking to an Afghanistan high school, even though she had armed protection. Notice the media forgot about this tragic murder within a day, even though she was the first American diplomat killed in that country in more than 30 years.

Another and far worse cover up is the Taliban shooting down of the 22 Navy Seal Team 6. It’s apparent that the heroes responsible for the death of Bin Laden were quickly forgotten by our government. When we look at the facts we know, it is beyond hellacious. The super heroes of our armed services were put at an extreme disadvantage by being flown in an old National Guard aircraft instead of their own specially outfitted SPECOPS Chinook. In addition, the fact that all were flying in one plane appeared to be highly unusual. Plus, the names on the manifest didn’t match the actual passengers. Larry Klayman’s group Freedom Watch is suing both our Commander in Chief and the Afghan government in regards to the highly suspicious deaths of these heroes.

We are living in an Alinsky designed nightmare. His disciples, Hillary, Holder, Obama and Company believe that the government can do whatever it wants:damn the consequences to the American people. We are in the process of discovering what it’s like to be the residents in the latest Leftist/ Muslim statist designed horror show.

My father, who is still alive and mentally alert, was one of the young soldiers who survived the violent waves of Normandy. He also received two Purple Hearts. The other day he looked at me in such despair. Squeezing my hand he said, “Remember I told you I was one of the Americans to enter Dachau? We never could understand how Germany, a very civilized society, committed the worst atrocities. Then we freedom loving, virtuous Americans came to save the world. And now…” He looked away.

The thugs that have taken over this country aren’t good enough to lick my Dad’s boots. This country was built on the blood and guts of good Americans like him living according to Judeo- Christian principles. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press are etched deep into this country’s DNA. This Memorial Day, as we mourn for our war dead, let’s remember who we Americans are and what America stands for. And may God bless America!

Guns for Me but Not for Thee

It's for defense.

It’s for defense.

Ben Shapiro is a Jewish American patriot. He eloquently writes about the Left’s bias in our culture and unapologetic stands for the 2nd amendment. I watched a bit of his interview on Piers Morgan and heard a statement that was ignored by the host and the media.

I’m paraphrasing, but it was that his relatives in Europe were murdered because they couldn’t defend themselves.

Of course, that doesn’t mean they would have lived, but the Jews who fought back had a higher survival rate than the ones who walked like sheep to their deaths.

There used to be a name for people like Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Wasserman-Schultz,and Bloomberg:kapos. We can’t leave out the Leftist rabbis and groups that are screaming for gun control. Jews like them helped the socialist Nazi government round up and destroy the Jewish communities of Europe. As a matter of fact, Jewish Hungarian George Soros was one of them and is still disgustingly proud of what he did. Today this nefarious crew is helping to destroy the freedom we have in this country.

I would be foolish to assign motives for their anti-American stance, but I can repeat my Southern husband’s conclusion. He said that the people who say Jews are “so intelligent” are wrong because what could be dumber than not standing up for your freedom and the defense of yourself and your family. It’s not like there’s no historical data to prove what happens when you don’t, but as the Bible says; we are a “stiff-necked people.”