An Inconvenient Truth About Lone Wolves

Listening to the media, including Fox, one has to wonder why a salient characteristic of recent “lone wolves” is missing.The fact that these terrorists were Muslim converts is mysteriously absent. That ‘inconvenient truth’ is not only important for our security, but for successful counterterrorism measures. Instead,”mental problems” appears to be the chosen narrative to feed the proletariat. But times have changed. Even the ostriches among us are realizing the problem is Islamic terrorism.

Once we admit that many of these murderers are Muslim converts we have to ask why and how. A study done at Kings College, London, in 2011 illustrated that 55% of Muslim terrorists in the USA were converts. How  interesting! People who convert to Christianity, Judaism, or Buddhism don’t murder co-workers or massacre soldiers while shouting,  “Shma,” “Jesus is my savior” or “Ohm” The only cry while chopping off an infidel’s head is “Allahu Akbar.” What is it about that specific conversion that sends them on a violent jihad?

Maybe the answer lies in where they get converted- prison. Although I’m describing in broad strokes, it isn’t a stretch to say most inmates are angry and envious. Since I was a counselor for a short time in a county jail, I can say inmates regularly blame others for their actions. Blaming others, anger, and envy are emotions that Islamic ideology fuels and affirms. As a matter of fact, religious extremism is reported by the chaplains as especially common among Muslim inmates (including followers of the Nation of Islam and the Moorish Science Temple of America) according to a 2011 Pew Research Forum.

Daniel Pipes wrote about the problem of Muslim converting here.  He states, ” Conversion to Islam substantially increases the probablity of a person’s involvement  in terrorism.” That was written in 2005.  It hasn’t gotten better and in some ways worse.  These terrorists are dubbed ” lone wolves” as if they had no connection with their motivation which is to kill the “infidel.” Actual ” lone wolves” who are driven from the pack are still wolves. These human killers are still Muslim,

What about the imams who are part of the jail outreach? Muslim chaplains have the right to hold prayer groups in prison, but what if they themselves are being funded by terrorist groups?  Is emphasise being put on jihad?

People who want to convert to Judaism are told that it has to be done with an Orthodox rabbi.  In addition, certain rituals have to be performed for it to be a true conversion. Perhaps the Muslim convert needs to show how Muslim he really is before he ( or she) is accepted into the fold. Maybe he’s anxious to meet those 72 virgins. Or maybe the hate and anger that other religions try to purge is given a special seat at the dais and the convert is given permission to act on his darker impulses. The motive is not as important as monitoring our prisons and the people coming out of them.

" Lone Wolf" John Allen Mohammed killed at least 10 people

” Lone Wolf” John Allen Mohammed killed at least 10 people

5775: The Year of the New Jew

Wednesday evening Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year, begins. Unlike January 1 the secular New Year, it’s not celebrated with raucus parties and televising a young drunken crowd in Times Square, herded into animal-like stalls, waiting for the ball to drop for the nascent year. Judaism marks the years more solemnly. Since, according to the Jewish calendar our New Year will be 5775, we have been doing this for a while so perhaps we should pay attention and declare this the year of the new Jew.

Jewish children are taught that on Rosh Ha Shanah Ha Shem ( G-d) opens the Book of Life and decrees what will happen to each individual. At this time, and until Yom Kippur, we have a chance to make amends and start anew to behave in a better way, so that our Judge and Creator will have mercy. Observing our political scene and the many Jewish organizations who don’t firmly stand for Jews,Israel, or the American ideals I believe we are in dire need to make changes.

It is time for Jews to stand up for themselves. We have to stop acting ashamed,embarrassed, and afraid. We have done nothing wrong, unless of course, civilizing the world is wrong. Jews don’t cut off people’s heads, murder their wives and daughters,or make slaves of anyone who doesn’t believe the way they do. The Jewish land of Israel is an oasis of freedom in a desert of Islamic totalitarianism. So why do we cower and compromise with those who want us gone? Why do we negotiate and give credence to organizations that want us to disappear from the face of the earth?

Our president praised the contributions of Muslims in America to an Egyptian audience
“The contribution of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog, because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our country.”
Read more at” I still have’t seen the list. President Jefferson knew that in order to trade and transport freely on the seas we’d need a special navy force called the “marines” to fight tne Muslim barbarians that captured Americans as hostages and slaves. Is that the contribution he spoke about?

Jews. on the other hand, have contributed from the very beginning of this country. Without the banker Haim Solomon there wouldn’t have been an American Revolution. Many southern cities like Charleston, South Carolina were enriched and settled by Jews. The next time some smart aleck proposes more boycott derangement syndrome action against Israel we should suggest he throw away his jeans since they were invented by Levi Strauss, another American Jew. And how about Hollywood? Instead of cringing and denying when some racist screeches “the Jews own Hollywood” we should proudly declare they invented Hollywood, the fashion industry, polio shots, and the NAACP.

Meir Kahane, who was murdered by a Muslim terrorist, was right. Jews have to protect themselves, but at the same time we must be proud of who we are. We are a people who bring innovation and creativity to the world. Robin Williams was asked by a German reporter why there were so few German comedians. His answer? ” You killed them all.” If we want a different future, then 5775 must be the year of the new Jew.The Neverending War by Leviticus

Painting: The Endless War by Leviticus

Be Afraid: Be Very Afraid

On Friday August 8th  Florida governor Rick Scott met with the Executive Board of the Jewish Republican Club of Broward County, a small group of Jewish leaders and respected rabbis. During the meeting a number of attendees  expressed security concerns, the governor unfortunately showed no concerns at all. On August 9th Rabbi Raskin, may G-d avenge his blood, was murdered on his way to synagogue. The irony is blatantly obvious. Be afraid: be very afraid. Continue reading

Joan Rivers: A Jew for Israel

illustration-of-rafah-tunnelsThe values and morals of our country are being turned upside down or thrown away  like garbage.  It reminds me of spring cleaning  or  getting rid of the chametz  for Pesach. Not a crumb of bread is supposed to be left.  It looks like the Jews are the new chametz. Our president, State Departemt, and media  are  competing with each other to see who can be the most vile and anti-Semitic by sympathizing with the terrorist group Hamas and tying the hands of  the tiny Jewish country. Continue reading