About Pamela

I have been around the block more than a few times and I see the streets getting dirtier and dirtier. I left the country in 1973 and moved to Israel. There, I became a founding settler of Yamit, and became a victim of the first catastrophic mistake of swapping land for "peace. I have a masters degree in psychology and am an autism professional. My book Love and Betrayl can be found on Amazon and at iuniverse.

Lies and More Lies

The Socialist- Democrat party is filled with liars and rabble rousers. The “Squad,”a group of  women that appear to be perenially dealing with PMS, won’t be satisfied until every “white” person is locked up, disppeared, or made invisible. Let’s start with the rant of racism. Listening to their incesssant smears of racism and injustice one would believe  that this country never had our first black president and first lady.  As a matter of fact our former first lady is so beloved that  Anna Wintour, queen of Vogue magazine, still believes  that  Michelle Obama is more photogenic and fashion savvy than a former fashion model, our present first lady, Melania Trump.

Listening to these shrews one would have the impression, perhaps even the conviction that this country never integrated schools, passed affirmative action, or had millioniares and billionaires that weren’t Caucasian. Although the above photos show many recognized black Americans, it is only a fraction of the famous and/ or rich African-Americans. But according to the four  malcontent congresswomen, the USA is a cauldron of hate and racism. They believe our country is intrinscially unfair due to the fraudulent ” white privilege.” According to them, the people of this country are hateful racists. I guess  it’s because Americans are so despicable that they were elected to the honor of being members of the House of Representatives.

The freshmen representatives disparage our lawful ICE agents and border patrol  on an almost daily basis. The substance of the  Socialist-Democrat  playbook is  open borders for all. That is to the literal  detriment of our country. As of this writing 22  MS-13  gang members massacred seven people. The brutal murders were committed with a machete. The victims were slashed to pieces. Nineteen of the 22 were illegals.  Yes, the president was correct  when he said,”When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.” Our four Congressional lovlies  haven’t said anything about these horrific murders and instead badmouth Israel and Jews.

Now two of them decided they’re ready to take their dangerous and obnoxious show on the road. The two biggest anti- Semites , Tlaib and Omar ,are planning a trip to Israel. Out of respect  for their positions as representatives of the Congress  of the USA , the  Israeli government has given them permission to enter the country, even though Israeli law bans people who support boycotts of the Jewish state.  Ms. Omar, or Ms. Elmi, who is being investigated for fraudulent USA entry, came from the hellhole Somalia, where the hatred of Jews is endemic, even though there are none! Ms. Tlaib, who was born here was brainwashed with Jew hatred and enthusiastically spreads it.  She sees herself as a Palestinian, which is her heritage, not as an American. She  appears to be ignorant about many things. That includes Middle Eastern history, the Holocaust (which gives her a ‘calming’ feeling)  and  to top it off she proudly uses double negatives! (I’m a former teacher)That these women are representatives in the House of Representatives says the best and the worst of this country.  I can only hope it gets better. Update: Israel did NOT let them in.

#Metoo Becomes #Youtoo

Yesterday I looked around at all the sagging breasts, stretched out stomachs , and over ripe  tuches at my Silver Sneakers exercise class and I laughed.  Of course I didn’t laugh out loud; but my soul was grinning like the Cheschire Cat. Suddenly I realized that all the shrill man hating # Metoo harpies will someday  grow old ( if they’re blessed to do so) and look just like us. If they just have patience the day will come when the “toxic” and uninvited attention of the male is no longer. Appreciative male eyes will rest on the perky beauty of a daughter, niece, or young co worker instead of Ms #Metoo. She will suddenly be no more. Our feminist  socialists or socialist feminists can’t rig the life cycle no matter how much they whine, march, and screech: ergo, #Youtoo will grow old.

These days I have just enough energy and flexibility to sit on a chair and lift a ball above my head eight times and  do other low impact exercises. Everyday I thank G-d that at my age (70) I can still get up every morning at 5:30 and go to work as an assistant in an elementary school autistic cluster. Due to my life choices I have no retirement.  There is no pension. My plan is to work until I can’t.

When I was young and perky  I taught every grade level in public and private schools. I also taught Sunday school and Hebrew. When I wasn’t appearing as the story teller Princess Pam of Storyland I did stand up comedy and thrilled to hear the audience laugh at the jokes I wrote myself. In addition, I was appointed to  a Human Relations Commision  and believed it was an honor.  I take pride that both my children stayed Jews and my grandchildren  are being raised as Jews. Today I am invisible. Senior citizens, like me,are written off because we have a hard time walking, controlling our diabetes, or we have a lot of  wrinkles and  look OLD. What is ignored is that we know things.

One of the things we know is that people change, but human nature doesn’t. Telling the world that there is more than two sexes makes less sense than many fairy tales we grew up with.  Proclaiming that women don’t need men to raise children is another whopper.  Many young women grew up hearing and believing “they can do it  themselves.” I was divorced and raised two kids. If someone asked me,  I wouldn’t recommend it. Both boys and girls need fathers. Too many children live without fathers and it effects our whole society. Why, one has to ask, does anyone want to change the structure of society? The answer, I’m afraid isn’t good.

Old people , like me, also know that “freeing” women to have a career has made their lives harder. We remember coming home from school and having a mother there to say,” Have a cookie. Drink your milk. Then go do your homework.” Now moms comes home from work exhausted and are thankful they can stop and bring  home fast food. Between her family and work a woman is always squeezed and feels so stressed out that she believes she’s bi- polar because that’s how her counselor diagnosed her. Old people like me know that.

Joan Collins is said to have said, ” When a woman loses her beauty it’s like losing all her money.” Using her analogy, the #Metoo girls should appreciate their youth and beauty  because soon they’ll be old – and broke. All the botox in the world can’t stop it.  The one positive is that  there won’t be a lot of men to harrass them  anymore. In my exercise class there’s 30 women to three men ! Remember,#Youtoo will grow old.


Just by  chance, a young man was visiting at the home where I was tutoring. His university assignment was about the civil rights movement in America. When I enlightened  him about the Jewish influence and activism in the early civil rights movement he was astounded. Unfortunately, I was not astounded  by his total obliviousness about the Jewish activists and martyrs involved with the civil rights movement. The history of the civil rights movement is being distorted to erase Jews.

The murdered martyrs

Here’s a good Jeopardy question. ” Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner”  How many people would know the correct answer is , “Who were the Jewish civil rights workers  murdered in 1964?” The two young Jews were murdered because they worked closely with  James Chaney, a young black man. They were  registering black voters; challenging the Democrat Jim Crow laws. Members of the Ku Klux Klan, sheriffs, and other democrat officials made sure all three of them were killed.  Americans got the message. How did Jews, who  became martyrs for civil rights, suddenly  become the enemy of Negroes, Blacks, African- Americans, or whatever we’re ordered to call those with darker melatonin?

From what I’m reading and seeing in the democrat mouthpiece media and in schools, we are led to believe that Rosa Parks woke up one morning and decided not to give  up her seat , that  Martin Luther KIng PHD led the  fight for equal rights alone, and that the Negro in the USA never overcame the  effects of slavery. Let’s be clear, without the Jewish activists and lawyers,  hard work and passion, history would have been very different. Not only were Jews an integral part of the founding  and financing of the NAACP, but also of other civil rights organizations like CORE and SNIC. How about the contributions Julius Rosenwald, the great businessman and philanthapist, who gave much of his munificence to Black universities and civil rights causes? Where is the iconic photo of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel linking arms in Selma? Why didn’t Chuckie Shumer pull it up and shove it in all the anti-Semitic faces of  the new socialist democrat party?

During those historical times in the early sixties, my rabbi, Rabbi Sidney Shanken, was one of the hundreds of activist rabbis .  They were called the Freedom Riders. They rode into the Deep South on integrated buses. Another Jew, Rabbi Israel “Si” Dresner,  was one of the original bus riders- and the only  Caucasian. Most Jews, like myself, could relate to the injustice perpetrated against our melatonin rich fellow citizens because Jews were bullied and scorned, and not for the first time in history. But now  it’s time for Jews to stand up for  ourselves.

Every time those anti- Semite and Israel bashing Muslims  in Congress shame and slur us,  instead of cowering Chuckie, Jerry and the rest  of the Jewish contingent should remind  them just how much we have contributed to the civil rights movement. It wouldn’t hurt to remind them that  while Jews fought and  often died fighting the Nazis during WWII, Muslims were part of Hitler’s evil axis- and they still are.



The Truly Despicable


Image result for democrat senators 2018

I  have stopped following this Kavanaugh lynching because it is sickening. I’m also averse to gawking at car accidents and I close my eyes when  t.v. or movie scenes are too violent. The outright and unashamed last ditch effort to derail the confirmation of this man, is beyond fraudulent;it is despicable and undermines the fabric of our country. Just like many “normals,” (as Kurt Schlichter calls us) I must ask where all this “toxic masculine” hate comes from and I believe much comes from not having an intact nuclear family.

Although I am not one of the privileged, who  swim in our government cesspool or our indoctrination centers(universities), I do have the credentials- actually more- because I’ve  worked in many of our government circles of hell  as a teacher or counselor. Here’s the dirty secret no one talks about.  Good men are missing in many families. Many of these women probably grew up in divorced homes, their mothers talking trash about their dads. Then the  Lefties came up with the “Who needs men? Women can raise children by themselves.” I have news for those idiots.  Children need both parents: fathers and mothers each give their children different attributes. It is  good fathers that give girls confidence. It’s good responsible fathers that teach their sons to respect girls. Pussyhats, Handmaidens, and #Metoo are the result  of that  rotting communist strategy to destroy us.

Image result for feinstein

The Kavanaugh confirmation circus is just the latest ploy to discredit men. According to the feminist cabal,  children don’t need a father. In our preschools and kindergartens all over this country teachers walk thin ice when talking about families because many children don’t even know where their fathers live. Many have half sisters or brothers from another  “baby mama” that dad met on his way out. This doesn’t just destroy families but  it creates a society where impermanence and chaos is the norm. Many of our children have no motivation to learn, no prior knowledge, and no respect for authority. Our schools fight an uphill battle daily. The problem of Ms. Ballsey ( not an error)Ford’s last minute accusation of sexual abuse goes deep into our culture.  When children don’t have a  good,  responsible father, life becomes much harder- and when the first man in your life abandons you, then one learns men aren’t to be trusted and psychological damage is done.

Let’s get this straight.  All women aren’t angels and all men aren’t devils. For a more peaceful and cohesive society we need a nuclear family; preferably with both a father and mother. We now have had a couple of generations where sexual permissiveness is the norm, where little boys have no good role models in the home, and male behavior is considered toxic. I fervently hope that it isn’t too late to save our children, our society, and our country, but when we have senators who love China more than the United States, when we have senators that choose progressive policies over what’s good for the country, then I have very little hope for our future.