Without God: Anything Goes

1962  was a banner year. The banner read “No G-d Here.” That’s being facetious, but since the Supreme Court decision,brought by members of my tribe, we have seen our country in a severe moral decline that started with the John F Kennedy assassination in 1963. Since then our government has expanded in nefarious ways and means. The objective isn’t to govern but of to steal and keep power. If Hillary had won the last election the job of the progressive crooks( aka government) would have been completed. The middle class would have been annihilated. When Obama was nominated the media crowed about the “crease in his pants”while it purposely decided to ignore his sketchy background and Indonesian sojourn. Every morally shady relationship and fraudulent deal done during his presidency, as long as it was done by or with another democrat or pal, was and still is ignored. That’s why the lying fake media still say it was scandal free. Even today,after Imran Awan was caught fleeing to Pakistan the Dems have started the “It’s Islamophphobia” cacaphony.

For many months I stopped writing because all I heard were people’s opinions, ideas,and arguments based on a lot of ” he said she said.” Funny, but when I taught and students came to me with stories like that I would tell them to sit down and be quiet. When my daughter started dating I told her to, “watch what they do, not what they say.”
What’s wrong with our media? We had a Pakistani criminal enterprise working for a coven of more than 30 Democrats,who was stopped at Dulles Airport fleeing to Pakistan. For some strange reason, my representative in the 23rd district of Florida, no other than Debbie Wasserman Schmutz Schultz, threatened the Capitol police when her computer was held for evidence connected to this Muslim crime family. Apparently the leader of this Pakistani gang was brother Imran Awan who had his family members hired at more than $150,000 (each) a year since 2004 when he was hired by Robert Wexler, who resigned under a mysterious cloud,and then passed to the Schmutz Wasserman- Schultz in 2005. Since then this Islamic crew was paid over $4,000,000 and had access and passwords to key Democrat computers and their passwords.

“The Awan brothers had complete and direct access to information of three extremely sensitive committees: The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Homeland Security Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The access to the information they had, along with their known or suspected affiliations to such groups as Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood, has “shaken” government insiders with knowledge about the case. (Hagmann)

In addition to this very suspect relationship with the Dems according to the Gateway Pundit:
“A search of guests at the White House show that Imran’s younger brother Abid was a guest at the White House on Thursday, November 21, 2013. He arrived at 5pm and didn’t depart for 7 hours. He attended with another 17 individuals.”

From all this information that we’re finally getting, it’s very possible that many of our tragedies like the Seal Team Six helicopter crash, were not coincidental. However: just like a father who ignores his child when he/she screams ” I hate you.” God, the father of us all, lifted the curtain of deceit using the tenant in one of the rental properties the crime family owned. Apparently smashed hard drives and other paraphernalia were found. Suddenly, right before the Awan great escape the FBI was contacted. So, it looks like even though we have thrown Ha Shem (G0d) “under the bus” He won’t abandon us and maybe give us the chance to once again become a country that believes in Him and return to be the leader of the free world.

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