Nothing New Under the Sun


Years ago I read the intriguing book Reading Lolita in Tehran because I was  curious how a Westernized country, full of professional women who were doctors, lawyers, and professors could become victims of a sharia controlled government.

I also recall doing a speaking event with a Jewish Iranian who movingly spoke about coming home from school one day after the Shah was exiled, and seeing all her uncles’ heads sitting on fence spikes. Reading about the horrors of the Revolution, I learned that the Leftists worked hand in hand with the Islamic fanatics to turn the country into a nightmare for its people. The end result was that when the Islamists got enough power their Leftist allies were the first people hung, tortured, and beheaded. Surprise!

Lately I’ve read Ilana Mercer’s book Into the Cannibal’s Pot and the serendipity, or beshert, as we say in Yiddish, was that it came right before the Mandela love fest memorial even though (according to some sources) he had died sometime in June. here

I had just asked my husband why no one was talking about the tire ” necklaces” that  burned ANC enemies alive when I was blessed with Ms. Mercer’s book.  It is a blueprint for the end of America as we know it.  Just like Iran the Leftists joined with their downtrodden “brothers” to make the country more “equal.”

That “equality” is now a mixture of tribalism and the Communism learned from Mother Russia. Christian South Africa has become a cauldron of poverty and hate, destroying what the Boers created.  Farms that produced food and raised animals  were taken over by the State and given to blacks to make things more “equal.” The  white farmers, who are still accorded the privilege of owning and working their land, shiver in their beds afraid that they will be the next victim of racial hatred. Surprise!

Let’s see how this fits into our American way of life and destruction of what’s left of our republic. Both countries were settled and developed by White Christians  and welcomed large Jewish immigrant population. Even though the black population  gained a better life and more positive changes were being made it was not enough for rabid black leaders. The same bogus argument,  retribution for past societal guilt, was hammered and used as justification for tribal allegiances and violence. The cry of ” Democracy!” appears to be the key because in a democracy the majority rules.

In many textbooks used in our schools, the government of the USA is no longer defined as a republic but as a democracy.   Make no mistake. It is done for a reason in order to revise our history.  That is the same reason more and more immigrants and all their family members from Middle Eastern countries and Spanish speaking countries are welcomed. They don’t know anything about freedom and liberty.  Their children will only learn what the government wants them to and democracy will bring the horrors that we’ve already starting to see. Was this  Teddy Kennedy’s master plan in 1965?

When the relationship of Kanye West and Jay Z becomes a university course and the thug rappers are upheld as poets who are changing our literary landscape with words like these:

“You know I, thug em, f**k em, love em, leave em, Cause I don’t f**king need em.”


We can expect only more and more ” Knock out Games” and massacres. I’m sure our liberal media will either ignore it or when it gets too bad wring their hands and cry out at the horror. This is what we get when the Leftists work with the savages of all ilk. Surprise!

The daughter of our two very famous Lefties, the Clintons, said that her father taught her that”intelligence is equally distributed; opportunity and resources aren’t.” I got news for you, Chelsea. He’s wrong.  You and your so smart Lefty friends are in for a big surprise!

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