Chanukah: Festival of Miracles

Everyone knows the story of Chanukah. The children’s version is that the Greek Syrians, led by Antiochus, wouldn’t allow Jews to pray in their Temple and were ordered to bow down to idols. Then the army destroyed the Holy of Holies, but the Maccabees fought back and after winning the battle, oil was found that lasted eight days and the Everlasting Light was once again lit. It was a double miracle. Light the candles, spin the dreidle, and eat some latkes and sufganiyot.(jelly doughnuts.)

The actual story is a little more complex. Just like today, there were many Jews who adopted the popular culture. At that time Alexander was busy conquering the world and his Hellenic culture spread to every corner of the Mediterranean. Unlike Jews, The Greeks were a polytheistic society who worshipped idols and admired male beauty and homoerotic culture. Many Jew-ish men even went through the painful operation of reattaching their circumcised foreskin so they could pass and be part of the “elite.” Many of these assimilated Jews ignored the precepts of their religion and even fought against their own people. Apparently having power was more important than their own heritage. We are seeing this once again by many Jews in our own country

There are many Jews in NGOS like the Israel Fund, a faux pro-.Israel organization, that is actually working with and for “Palestinians.” As if this wasn’t enough, many of the major Jewish organizations, like ADL and Hillel aren’t aren’t working for the benefit of Jews anymore. Then we have people like George Soros, who claims he was born into a Jewish aChanukah Mash uphttp://http://

family, Lois Lerner the IRS doyenne who not only went after conservative  organizations, but singled out pro- Israel organizations like Z Street that were in disagreement with this administration’s peace plan.  Democrats like Gruber and Wasserman- Schultz are first class liars with no shame. And how about that Martin  A-dyck Indyck who has made it his personal jihad to crush the Netanyahu government. Although this is an abbreviated list, it would not be complete without mentioning all the Jews who continue to vote for Democrats, even after it is obvious the party is working against the best interest of Israel and even went so far as to deny  G-d three times at the Democrat Naional Convention.

The Greeks promised the Hellenist  Jews power and a rung up the social climbing ladder. How is this any different today? The Grubers and Indyks of the world make millions and are welcomed at all the  Progessive workshops and seminars like heroes. The Hellenists  were traitors to their religion and country. Progressive Jews are no better. Maybe this Chanukah  G-d will provide another miracle. Or maybe the Jewish collaborators will finally realize that in the end all the dastardly plans will come to naught..The Hellenistic Jews disappeared, but traditional Jews are still here and praying. As for myself, I pray that the Progressive Jews not only light candles, but that they  actually see the light.

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