Israel: A Modern Miracle

MAP_Israel-todayPolitico came out with a statement that the US might no longer be a shield for Israel against international pressure here. I got news for  Obama, the Amerian Pravda- Politico, and all the Lefists who are salivating for the demise of Israel. There is only one shield for Israel- G-d. Some people are non- believers.  Some people  believe in One World government (like the Nazi George Soros), but  the country of Israel is populated by people who still believe in miracles.

How can they not be when they have been harangued  by  international hate pundits daily and the country still thrives.  Its southern border was bombarded by thousand s of Hamas rockets and it still thrives. Not to mention, of course, the hundreds of miles of terror tunnels dug  for the sole purpose of murdering  Israelis. The Iron Dome?  That in itself is  a miracle.because it repositioned all those missles and rockets set to destroy Jewish lives even when its operators were afraid it wasn’t working. As a matter of fact  that was proclaimed in headlines here and here and of course all of us know the miraculous  winning of every war the Arabs start with the tiny Jewish state

Unknown to many of our “intellectuals and elites” an Arab is the head of the Israel Election Committee. Not only that, but 74% of a Bedouin tribe voted for Bibi. Even Obama sending a platoon of henchmen to sabatoge the election couldn’t sway Israeli voters. Considering  that Israel is called an apartheid state, smeared and slandered daily, those uncomfortable facts make Netanyahu’s victory  miraculous. It is even more miraculous that  the tiny Jewish state, surrounded by enemies who want it wiped off the face of the earth, is not only surviving but thriving.

Torah tells of the story of the spies who were sent into the Land of Canaan.  The Hebrews were punished to wander in the desert for 40 years for  the sin of not believing that G-d’s miracles would lead them to victory over an overwhelming army. The communist Left has shackled countries and generations to the idea that there is no G-d but government. The pundits and politicians decrying the historical Netanyahu win and spreading fear of  US abandonment are of this ilk. To them the G-d of Israel is only a story that young children and unenlightened boors believe in.

I’m one of those boors who believe this Netanyahu victory is miraculous. We know our State Department spent  more than $300,000 of taxpayer money to sabatoge the election and is now plotting other ways to control its “ally.” We are often told that American will always be steadfast in her alliance to Israel. That’s not really true. What many don’t know was that Eddie Jacobson, a Jew, was Harry Truman’s best friend and business partner.  It was that relationship that sealed the United States vote for Israel independence. Isn’t that a miracle?

The modern country of Israel is only 67 years old and has accomplished more than many which are hundreds of years old. Its medical breakthroughs and technology  are among the most advanced in the world.  Netanyahu’s win wasn’t the only miracle.  The  whole counry is.

Getting Away With Murder

Pamela Geller's brilliant ad for AFDI

Pamela Geller’s brilliant ad for AFDI

When I was a teenager I had a ” frenemy.” Her father cashed a small check from a part time job I had, and  since he gave me a little too much change I returned the overage. Boy, was my “frenemy” angry.  She screamed at me that I was “too moral.” I never forgot that or undersood how someone could say that until recently , as I see individuals and governments getting away with murder both literally and figuratively. Continue reading

A Country of Eunuchs

castration_of_urausThe Middle East is noted for its  labyrinth of intrigue, deception and cruelty. All  of the terror networks, the oil rich sheiks and the compliant media can scream Islamophobia  all day long, but the histories of the Ottoman Empire and Islam are rife with slavery and included castrating kidnapped boys, These eunuchs, if they lived, became, guardians of harems or household slaves who were powereless to reproduce, and were trusted to do their master’s bidding. America has become a country of eunuchs. Continue reading

The Three Blind Mice or Three Halal Pigs?

Hillary Benghazi The other day I was at a meeting of other like minded people and we were talking about the state of our country. I brought up Hillary’s fashion choice at the not so grand inquisition of the Benghazi massacre. Since not one pundit appeared to notice that she blatantly demonstrated her alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood by wearing their colors; green and black I thought I was being paranoid or imagining she was sending a symbolic message. One of the other women who had lived in both Somalia and Syria with her State Department husband seconded my opinion and said I was absolutely right. The question then is, has Hillary converted to Islam or was she just telegraphing a positive message to our Muslim enemies. Although “What difference, at this time, does it make?”

Then we have John Brennan who has been implicated by a former FBI agent that he converted to Islam when he was posted to Saudi Arabia. Of course the Government Propaganda Ministry, formerly known as the media. denigrate John Guadolo, the FBI agent disseminating this information. Brennan. like Hillary, also gave a blatant message that doesn’t prove he’s a Muslim, but does prove to whom he has aligned himself. He called Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel Al Quds, which is the name Arabs renamed it. Now, some people say it doesn’t matter because we are guaranteed freedom of religion in this country, but as a public servant he swears allegiance to our constitution. As a Muslim he swears allegiance to Allah. Hillary would say.” What difference, at this time, does it make?”

Then of course we have Chuck, I never met a Jew I Liked, Hagel who is being considered for the head of the Department of Defense to replace the communist Leon Panetta. He’s hitting a roadblock because he won’t disclose his foreign sources of funding after being demanded to do so. Carl Levin is making this sound like this is over the line, although Harry Reid made the same demand of Henry Kissenger years ago. Now I don’t know about you, but I have no sources of foreign funding, I wonder just what service Senator Hagel is providing and to whom. This is Commonsense 101 but of course, “What difference, at this time, does it make?”
