Israel: A G Rated Country

Makote- the Israeli beachgame

Makote- the Israeli beach game



Many readers have wondered why I haven’t written for a while.  Simple, I reached my saturation point  writing about the unrelenting lies and abuses of our government. Luckily, I visited my daughter in Israel  for a few weeks and was able to recharge.  Ironically, the tiny country  was calm and peaceful, even after Arab terrorists murdered innocents including a young girl sleeping in her bed. The reason? They know who the enemy is, name it, and deal with it. Or, maybe, as my daughter told me when I asked her why she was moving there, it’s a G rated country

The true face of the IDF

The true face of the IDF

Even though modern Israel is only 68 years young, its accomplishments, beauty, and historical sites are world class and enviable; however,my daughter was specifically talking about the people and culture. Everywhere, except Tel Aviv (the New York City of Israel) around 3:00 on Fridays shops close up, mothers and grandmothers finish their shopping and start cooking for the Sabbath. Soldiers go home to their families, and if someone is a “lone soldier” he/she will be invited to someone’s home for the Sabbath. As I joked to my daughter after hearing so many young, masculune men talking to their “imas” or mothers on the phone, the most ferocious army in the world is a bunch of mommas’ boys!

I left Israel in 1980 when my home and business were taken as part of the  Israel-Egypt Peace Accord. I had only gone back once in thirty years, and that was only for a wedding.   The progress I have seen in the country is no less than miraculous. Thirty years ago it took  months to get a landline telephone. Now Israel is branded as one of the top tech sectors in the world. Unlike the incessant negative propaganda, Arab-Israelis  are part of the innovation and even created the world’s smallest computer. here Thirty years ago It was impossible to get a decent piece of red meat. Now, my daughter and I ate  hamburgers that would put my local diner to shame.

My daughter has a Christian Arab friend and out of curiosity asked him how he was treated differently by the government. She was surprised by his answer.  After thinking about it, he answered that he didn’t have to serve in the army.  Interestingly, there has been a surge in Arab Israelis to enlist in the IDF. here  That doesn’t sound like apartheid to me. Apartheid is a system of laws that keep the races separate.  In Israel’s case it would mean keeping people of different religious faiths legally separated. Instead, all religions including Bahai and Druze live peacefully. The call to prayer from Muslim mosques can be heard in all parts of the country.

My biggest complaint is the confusing signage on the roads. Speaking of signage, one would think that in a country practicing apartheid, signs would only be written in Hebrew. Wrong; all signs are written in Hebrew, Arabic and English. If a country is  practicing apartheid would the beaches be open to all? My family and I went swimming at the beach in Haifa, right next to Arab families with women  covered from top to bottom in their body covering wetsuits.

All in all my trip was rejuvenating. Hiking and exploring the countryside is a national pastime. The variation in topography from the greenery of the northern hills to the stark Judean desert provides a sensory feast. The  different species of plants and flowers found everywhere is astounding. So I guess my daughter is right.  It’s a G rated country: G-d’s country.


The EU Jew Hatred

After reading Tuvia Tenenbom’s book, To Catch A Jew,  I have come to the conclusion that since Hitler didn’t finish the job of ridding the world of Jews , the EU and the Obama administration will do him a favor and finish it for him. I was interested in the book because  my daughter decided to return to Israel, her birthplace, and mentioned how different the country is from when we left over 30 years ago. The author of that book, like myself, had left the country around the same time. Unlike myself, he came from a religious background and was escaping it. I was kicked out of the home and business my husband and I built in Yamit,  the first victims of the land for peace deal,a deal that Mr. Trump would call ”stupid.” I would agree.

Although my novel Love and Betrayal  here takes place there, none of my research uncovered the real reason Israel was pressured to give up the Sinai, which included oil fields and the city of Yamit. Mr. Tenenbom made it clear: pure hatred of Jews, which also means destroying the Jewish country. The EU, which is based in the “neutral” country of   Switzerland, spends billions for the PLO and propaganda against Israel, or as some like to say, those lousy Jews. According to Mr. Tenenbom’s undercover operation as a German, he discovered the Palestinians love  of  Germans. No wonder! Touring the area, where most Jews never go and are not allowed, he saw many signs announcing financial gifts from that country.  Many of the NGOs are actually supported by the governments of European countries, especially Germany. Jew hatred is the mother’s milk that Arab children are fed daily from infancy. Truth has no place when there’s a nefarious agenda. The only thing they don’t like about Nazis is that they didn’t murder enough Jews.

Part of the propaganda fed to western journalists is the horrible poverty  of the Arabs living in Judea and Samaria.  The funny thing is that all the many mansions in that area are owned by “Palestinians.” It sure looks like a lot of the EU and German money goes for personal expenses of PLO bigshots and employees. No surprises; Yasser Arafat’s widow Suhi is sitting pretty in Paris with about a billion dollars.  A billion dollars would go pretty far to help those poor “Palis.” Just last week we learned that a group of American families sued and won a case against the PLO for terrorism for the first time according to American law. Like a bad movie, our president intervened to lower the payout to the families because of the “financial straits” the PLO is in. Funny, Mahmoud Abbas is building a palace for himself, but I guess our government and all the Muslim Brotherhood officials embedded in it, don’t really care as long as the hate and murder is  directed at Jews.

The most interesting chats and interviews in the above book were with the lefty Jews who had no idea that they supported the people who unabashedly and unashamedly announce their hatred of them. To make their feelings even clearer  to the dumb Jews, the faux Palestinians murder, kidnap, and shoot IEDs into Israel  to make it clear they aren’t  playing.  The self- loathing Jews, who have NEVER visited Judea and Samaria, continue their ridiculous daydreams of peace and love while getting paid by the same no good NGOs to trash and smear their own people and country.  Think JStreet in Hebrew. It turns out the most famous reporters at Haaretz, the biggest left newspaper in Israel, have never gone to Judea and Samaria, and don’t speak Arabic!

Why is this important for Americans? Our Jewish community, which until recently has felt  an integral part of American life has begun to see a world that is once again  creating a  toxic atmosphere for Jews. We see a government that ignores Christians being slaughtered all over the world and instead, focuses on a country that is about nine miles across and about the size of New Jersey.  Jordan was  given to Palestinians and Israel to Jews, but apparently the UN and its sub organization UNRWA, support and cheer three generations of “refugees” while Yazidis and Christians are literally dying for a safe place to live. The Iran deal is nothing but a promise to wipe Israel off the map.  When that’s done they’ll get rid of the Jews, Christians, and other troublemakers here and the world will be one big Muslim family.  I‘m waiting to hear the presidential candidate who announces that he (or she) will get rid of any Muslim connected to the Brotherhood or its affiliates that are embedded in our government.   Until that is done, our country will have unending troubles with terror and the Jews who were on the side of our enemies will eventually find their heads on stakes while all their “allies” dance in the street.

American Jewish Blinders

The Three Jewish Quislings

f _the_ JewsimagesI’m sure you’ve heard of  The Three Tenors, The Three Stooges, and the Three Little Pigs.  How about the The Three Jewish Quislings? No? You might not realize it, because they normally go by the names of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, and Stephen Breyer.  These are the three Jews that decided that Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel- even when they weren’t asked.

The anti- Jewish Supreme Court decision was decided along a 6-3 line. The three Jewish justices fell right in line with the anti- Semitic Arabist State Department and our imperious Jew-hating president. Chief Judge John Roberts wrote, “Today’s decision is a first. Never before has this Court accepted a President’s direct defiance of an Act of Congress in the field of foreign affairs.” Our  elite and untouchable court Jews defied logic, stood against our Congress, and the sovereign country of Israel.

For the second time this case was brought in front of the Supreme Court because the Zinotovsky parents wanted their son, Menachem’s passport to list Jerusalem, Israel as his place of birth and not just Jerusalem. The rationale was that the American Congress had passed a law in 2002 directing the State Department to do so for anyone born in Jerusalem who requested it. The State Department refused. The arguments used by Mr Varelli, who represented the government, were specious but the Three Jewish Quislings accepted the State department rationale with not a moment of that famous Jewish guilt.

Jerusalem, eternal capital of Israel, is up for grabs according to those in power and they’ve chosen sides. The ignorant wise Latina Senorita Sotomayor added,“How could you tell me it’s not a lie? You, the United States, are being asked to put on the passport that you believe the place of birth of this individual is Israel, and … the executive has said, no, we don’t think it was Israel, we think it was Jerusalem.”

Any Jew who is still sleepwalking through the dire political mines that are set up everywhere  better wake up…and fast. Last week ZStreet got good news about its lawsuit against the IRS. The bad news is that the IRS admitted, “these cases are being sent to a special unit in the D.C. office to determine whether the organization’s activities contradict the Administration’s public policies.” This demonstrated that a pro-Israel organization was definitely targeted. Lori Lowenthal Marcus deserves our respect for fiercely defending the right for her organization (and other pro  Israel organizations)

The good, the bad and the ugly

How about the publicity leaks from the new Michael Oren book Ally? If there were still any doubt that this administration has been inordinately hostile to Israel, this accounting of Mr. Oren’s time as Israel’s ambassador chronicles all the left wing Jews and their deleterious presence in the Obama administration.

Last, but certainly not least, is the negative press and constant smearing of  Pamela Geller, who stands courageously steadfast against the Shariah and the jihadist who swear to destroy America, Israel, and her! Instead of every Federation and Jewish organization, like AIPAC, standing with a Jewish heroine they stand with our enemies just like the commies of Jewish heritage stood with Stalin and the enemies of G-d and freedom. Someday Ms. Geller will be honored in the pantheon of  Jewish women, like Deborah and Esther, but now the cowards, traitors, and haters  clamor for BDS, Geller’s head, and the destruction of Israel.

Our history is filled with heroes as well as traitors. Even when members of our own tribe  work against us, Jews  are commanded not to hate.  Disgusting attacks and lies come from the enemies of  Israell daily.  Rashi states that the enemies of Jews are actually the enemies of G-d. Observing the Lefties, who choose to call themselves Jews, I have to agree.  As I  watch our three Jewish justices  go down in history as the three justices who sold their souls, and the soul of America, for a mess of pottage  I  refuse  to hate them. Instead, I’ll cry for them and our country, and pray that G-d has mercy on us all.

Jewish American Heritage Month?

May, Jewish American heritage Month has come and gone. Although  I worked in a more than a few public schools in Florida I never saw one lesson plan or poster disseminating that information. There weren’t any morning announcements informing students of the people and heritage being honored as is the norm during the month honoring a different culture.   May, like February, which is African American History Month was designated and signed into law by Congress and signed by George W. Bush in 2006. A question every Jew should be asking is why black history is shoved down the throat of every school child and our Jewish heritage and contributions ignored.Goodman

During the month of February, bulletin boards are festooned with reports and drawings of Matthew Henson, Mary Mc Leod Bethune, and of course Martin Luther King. Students are never taught that the civil rights movement was supported and  propelled  by Jewish lawyers, rabbis, and students. Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwermer were murdered because they stood with Martin Luther King for integrating the South and registering blacks to vote. Their deaths are never mentioned. How many people know that the NAACP was started by Jews, for the benefit of blacks, who at the time found no insult in being called “colored.”

How many children will graduate from high school believing that blacks were the only people taken and owned as slaves and never learn that slavery is still perpetuated around the world? I’m disgusted that school children know the name of Crispus Attucks as the first man to be killed in the Revolutionary War, but don’t know the name Chaim Solomon, who financed the war and died broke. Why don’t children learn that the first Jews arrived here in 1654 and that Charleston, South Carolina had the largest and most prosperous Jewish population in the US in the 1800’s.

Why don’t our children learn how Jewish doctors vanquished the scourge of polio by discovering the polio vaccine and that Jewish scientists like Einstein, Oppenheimer, and Teller helped win World War II  from Los Alamos. Why don’t they learn about the beginning of Hollywood and the immigrants who came from nothing and built an entertainment industry rivaled nowhere in the world?.  Seventh Ave. was the home of the schmatta business and where Ralph Lauren, nee Lipschitz and Calvin Klein got their starts. Jews are intrinsically linked with the freedom and wealth of this country and instead of celebrating our achievements we not only diminish them, but disregard them.

Federations put a lot of money into  “ Holocaust studies” Funny how that works.  Although students are treated to the horrors of concentration camps, the terror European Jews faced on a daily basis, and the result of anti- Semitic hatred ,jewmogulit not only continues but is perpetuated by lies against Israel.  Federations and Jewish education groups like CAJE, grant money and resources to groups like the New Israel Fund that are Jewish in name only.  It’s time that these organizations finance an education that teach young Jews to be proud of their heritage and gentiles to respect our contributions to this country.  Otherwise, just like in Germany, Poland, and Russia, we will be crying  and wondering how such hatred and horror could happen again; this time  in the country where  Irving Berlin, a Jew ,wrote the words to ” G-d Bless America.”