
As the news becomes more and rmore appalling, many people find comfort in their religions’ Scriptures. For Jews it’s Torah. During this time before Rosh Ha Shana, Deverim, or Deuteronomy is read in synagogues all over the world. It retells Moses’ farewell to the Hebrews admonishing them to remember.         Throughout Devarim, Moses warns the people – no less than fourteen times – not to forget.

If they forget the past they will lose their identity and
sense of direction and disaster will follow. Moreover, not only are the people commanded to remember, they are also commanded to hand that memory on to their children.

Think about that. Why would Moses have to tell his people to remember? Isn’t memory natural? Maybe, for human beings, it’s too easy to forget. Maybe, we want to forget disastrous actions or choices. Maybe, he wanted to remind the Hebrews that we will keep making the same kind of mistakes if we don’t remember what happened before.

I listen to radio pundits and read many different websites and  everyone appears to be missing some salient facts that we should remember. One of those is that our president Barack Hussein Obama had a Muslim biological father and spent his formative years in a Muslim country with a Muslim stepfather. These are facts that are written in his autobiography. We know that at one time his name was Barry Soetoro. We don’t know when he changed it. We know that he thinks that the Muslim call to prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds he ever heard.” and that during his first inaugeration speech he said that this is “a nation of Christians and Musliims, Jewish  and Hindus and non- believers.” I remember hearing that and almost fell off my chair because this was after 9/11, the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, Yemin, Rwanda, the massacre of our marines in Lebanon, and on and on.Even conservative pundits are on the band wagon singing that our president’s bored or incompetant.

Every excuse is made except the FACTS. The facts are these, just as Judaism is transmitted through the mother, Islam is transmitted through the father. There is no personal choice. If a person chooses to leave the religion of one’s father he is an apostate and sentenced to die, just like Miriam Ibrahim. These are facts we must remember when our president makes decisions that appear to be against the welfare of the United States. Just as Moses admonished his people we must remember or disaster will follow.

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