Orwellian Anti-Semitism


Many  pundits and  Intellectuals  use the term Orwellian to describe all the lies and ridiculous policies of our  government.  In Orwell’s masterwork, 1984, the word for this is “doublethink.” An example of this is when the world watched amd applauded the Charlie Hebdo international “protest march.” In reality it was a travesty.  The two biggest Jew haters, Abbas and Erdogen, pretended that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with them. Both of them incite their people to maim and murder Jews and afterward celebrate the murderers as heroes. When a Muslim jihadist stabbed 13 people on a Tel Aviv bus, Abbas, who was no longer marching for the cameras, said nothing. Instead,  Prime Minster Natanyahu made a statement about the unprovoked attack:

“,,,is the direct result of the poisonous incitemen by the Palestinian Authority against the Jews and their state.”  He continued “[Abbas] is responsible for both the incitement and the dangerous move at the ICC”

 The leaders of France, Britain, and Germany walked arm In arm to demonstrate their stand against terrorism (or something like that). Yet  when 13 people were stabbed  by a  Muslim jihadist on a Tel Aviv bus there was only  silence. Of course, down the “memory hole” went the fact that all three countries have a history of  anti-Semitism. France can feign outrage but the government ignored the cries of Jews that they were being abused, beaten, and murdered for fifteen years, starting with the torture and murder of Ilan Halimi. England fought the Jews and allied with the Arabs in mandated Palestine, betrayed its own Balfour Declaration, and according to a recent report, no Jew has won a discrimination lawsuit in more than ten years. Germany has a well known history of Jew hatred, but many people are unaware of the extent France collaborated with them during WWII

Many of us are used to historic events, like Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the Bo Bergdhal travesty, and Seal Team Six to mention a few,of being discarded down the “memory hole”but the daughter of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel was shocked that her father was missing from the movie Selma. She was shocked because her father was an advisor to Martin Luther King and walked arm and arm with him during that march. Jews were in the front line of the civil rights movement. Young Jewish men were murdered registering black voters in the segregated south..This is history. Rabbis from many synagogues joined the Freedom March because they believed it was a religious obligation. So did King. It all went down the “memory hole.”

Words like transparency and marriage have lost meaning because society has adopted the Orwellian“newspeak” which is eerily similar to political correctness.  When our president says ISIS is not Islamic that’s newspeak. When  terrorism is called “manmade disasters” and the public is told that Al Queda is “on the run”  that is also Orwellian.

But there’s  a salient fact that nobody mentions. In Orwell’s 1984 everyone must participate in  a daily” two minutes of hate.” The crowd  works itself into a frenzy. Interestingly, the hate is directed at the villain, Emmanual Goldstein. The name makes it obvious that he is a Jew.  Orwell, who understood the power of language, chose that name for a reason. Interestingly too, 1984 is 1948 backwards. That was the year Israel became a country.

Orwell was a visionParis Marchary and believed in the importance of words and how they shape culture.. “Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind” Anti-Semitism  is once again respectable.  Israel endures more than two minutes of hate daily and Islam is “a religion of peace.” Islam makes murder respectable by blaming their vicious barbarism on Israel. Even though this is 2015, it sure feels like we’re living Orwell’s1984.



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